Online money earning

How to Earn Money as a Blogger with Adsterra

How to Earn Money as a Blogger with Adsterra


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Blogging has evolved from a mere hobby to a viable source of income for many. One popular method for monetizing a blog is through advertising networks like Adsterra. Adsterra offers a variety of ad formats and tools that can help bloggers maximize their earnings. Here’s a guide on how to get started and make the most out of Adsterra.


What is Adsterra?

Adsterra is a leading ad network that connects advertisers and publishers (bloggers) worldwide. It offers a wide range of ad formats including display banners, pop-unders, direct links, and more. Adsterra is known for its high CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions) rates and its user-friendly platform.


Steps to Earn Money with Adsterra

1. Create Quality Content

Before diving into ad placements, ensure that your blog has quality content that attracts visitors. High-quality, engaging, and unique content will draw more traffic, which is essential for maximizing ad revenue.

2. Sign Up for an Adsterra Account

Visit the Adsterra website and sign up as a publisher. The registration process is straightforward, requiring basic information about you and your blog. Once registered, you’ll need to get your blog approved by Adsterra.

3. Get Approved

Approval is based on your blog’s content, traffic, and compliance with Adsterra’s policies. Make sure your blog adheres to their guidelines, which typically include having original content and a professional design.


4. Choose Ad Formats

Adsterra offers various ad formats. Choose the ones that best suit your blog’s layout and audience preferences. Here are some popular options:

Display Banners:

 Common and non-intrusive, these ads fit well within blog content.


 These open in a new browser window behind the current one and are known for high CPMs.

Direct Links:

Perfect for text links within your content.

Social Bar:

 Engaging and interactive ads that appear as social media notifications.

5. Integrate Ads into Your Blog

After selecting your preferred ad formats, you’ll receive ad codes from Adsterra. Integrate these codes into your blog’s HTML where you want the ads to appear. Ensure that ads are placed strategically to optimize visibility without disrupting user experience.


6. Optimize Ad Placement

Experiment with different placements to find the most effective spots. Common successful placements include above the fold, within content, and sidebar areas. Use tools like Google Analytics to track performance and adjust placements accordingly.


7. Drive Traffic to Your Blog

Higher traffic translates to higher earnings. Promote your blog through social media, SEO, guest posting, and email marketing. The more visitors you have, the more ad impressions and clicks you’ll generate.

8. Monitor and Optimize Performance

Regularly monitor your Adsterra dashboard to track ad performance. Pay attention to metrics like CPM, CTR (Click-Through Rate), and overall earnings. Use this data to optimize ad placements and formats continuously.


9. Adsterra Referral Program

Adsterra offers a referral program where you can earn additional income by referring new publishers. Share your unique referral link with other bloggers, and you’ll earn a percentage of their revenue.

10. Stay Compliant

Ensure that your blog remains compliant with Adsterra’s policies. Avoid using prohibited content and maintain a good standard of quality to continue earning.



Earning money with Adsterra as a blogger involves a mix of quality content creation, strategic ad placements, and continuous optimization. By following these steps, you can effectively monetize your blog and turn your passion for writing into a profitable venture. Start by signing up with Adsterra, integrate the ads seamlessly, and watch your earnings grow as you attract more visitors to your blog.


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