Online money earning

How to Earn Money with VIPKid

How to Earn Money with VIPKid


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VIPKid is a platform that connects North American educators with children in China for one-on-one English language lessons. It offers a flexible way to earn money from home or on the go, provided you meet their requirements and can deliver engaging lessons. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to get started and maximize your earnings with VIPKid.

1. Understanding VIPKid

VIPKid is an online education company where teachers from the US and Canada teach English to students in China, ranging from ages 4 to 12. The platform provides lesson plans, so teachers can focus on delivering content rather than creating it. 

2. Qualifications and Requirements

To become a VIPKid teacher, you need to meet several key criteria:

Educational Background: 

A bachelor's degree in any field is required.


Experience in teaching, tutoring, or any form of educational or child care work is beneficial. This doesn’t have to be formal classroom experience; informal tutoring, coaching, or mentoring can count.

English Proficiency: 

You must be a native English speaker from the U.S. or Canada.

Technical Requirements: 

A computer with a webcam, a headset with a microphone, and a reliable internet connection are necessary.


3. Application Process

The application process involves several steps:

1. Online Application: 

Fill out the basic information about your education, experience, and background.

2. Interview and Demo Lesson: 

Conduct an interview that includes a short demo lesson. This could be live with a VIPKid recruiter or recorded.

3. Mock Classes: 

Teach a couple of mock classes to demonstrate your teaching ability. You’ll receive feedback to help improve your technique.

4. Background Check: 

VIPKid will conduct a background check to ensure a safe environment for their students.

5. Contract Signing: 

Once you pass the above steps, you’ll sign a contract, typically lasting six months.


4. Teaching and Earning

Scheduling Classes

VIPKid allows you to set your own schedule, making it highly flexible. Classes are 25 minutes long, and you can open time slots according to your availability. Since students are in China, peak hours are early mornings and late evenings in North America.

Payment Structure

VIPKid’s pay structure is based on a per-class rate. Here’s a breakdown:

Base Pay: 

The base pay ranges from $7 to $9 per 25-minute class ($14 to $18 per hour), depending on your experience and performance in the demo lesson.


VIPKid offers various incentives that can boost your earnings. These include:

 Participation Incentive: 

$1 per class if you teach a minimum number of classes in a month.

 Finished Class Incentive: 

$1 per class for punctuality and preparedness.

Extra Incentives: 

Occasional bonuses for things like referring new teachers or teaching classes during high-demand periods.

Monthly Earnings Potential

Given the base pay and incentives, teachers can expect to earn between $14 and $22 per hour. If you teach full-time, you can make between $1,500 and $2,500 per month. Many teachers work part-time and supplement their income, earning anywhere from a few hundred to over a thousand dollars per month.

5. Maximizing Your Earnings

To make the most money on VIPKid, consider these strategies:

Open More Peak Slots: 

Increase your availability during peak hours to get more bookings.

Consistent Teaching: 

Build a regular schedule to develop a steady stream of students.

Engage and Retain Students: 

Deliver engaging lessons to keep students returning.

Collect Incentives: 

Take advantage of all available incentives and bonuses.

Refer New Teachers: 

Earn bonuses by referring new teachers to the platform.


6. Tips for Success

Invest in Quality Equipment: 

A good computer, headset, and a reliable internet connection are crucial for smooth teaching sessions.

Create a Fun Teaching Environment: 

Use props, visuals, and a clean, distraction-free background to make classes more engaging.

Stay Organized: 

Keep track of your schedule, and be punctual for each class.

Continue Learning: 

VIPKid offers resources and training to help you improve your teaching skills.


VIPKid provides a flexible and rewarding opportunity for educators to earn money by teaching English online. By understanding the requirements, navigating the application process, and employing strategies to maximize your earnings, you can build a successful side gig or even a full-time career on the platform. Whether you’re looking for a part-time job or a full-fledged teaching career, VIPKid offers the tools and support to help you succeed.


With dedication and passion for teaching, you can turn your VIPKid experience into a lucrative and fulfilling endeavor. Happy teaching!

By following these steps and tips, you can start your journey with VIPKid and potentially turn it into a profitable venture. Remember, the key to success is consistent, quality teaching and a willingness to adapt and grow with the platform.


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