Online money earning

How to Earn Money with Admitad

How to Earn Money with Admitad


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Admitad is a leading affiliate network that connects advertisers and publishers, allowing individuals to earn money by promoting various products and services. If you're looking to generate income through affiliate marketing, Admitad offers a robust platform with numerous opportunities. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started and maximize your earnings.


Step 1: Sign Up for Admitad

Create an Account

Visit the Admitad Website: 

Go to the [Admitad website](


Click on "Sign up" and choose whether you want to sign up as an advertiser or a publisher. Select "Publisher" to start earning money.

Fill in Your Details: 

Complete the registration form with accurate information. You may need to verify your email address to activate your account.


Step 2: Understand the Platform

Dashboard Overview

Once registered, familiarize yourself with the Admitad dashboard. Key sections include:


Browse available affiliate programs and choose those that align with your niche.


Monitor your performance, including clicks, conversions, and earnings.


Utilize various marketing tools provided by Admitad to enhance your promotional efforts.

Affiliate Programs

Admitad offers a wide range of programs across different categories, such as fashion, electronics, travel, and more. Each program will have specific terms, including commission rates and cookie durations.

Step 3: Choose the Right Affiliate Programs

Select Programs


Choose programs that are relevant to your audience or website niche.

Commission Rates:

 Compare commission rates to find the most lucrative options.

Conversion Rates: 

Consider the historical conversion rates of programs to estimate potential earnings.

Application and Approval

Apply for Programs: 

Once you find suitable programs, apply to join them. Some programs may require approval from the advertiser.

Get Approval:

 Wait for approval notifications. Approved programs will be accessible in your dashboard.


Step 4: Promote Affiliate Links

Content Creation


Write articles, reviews, and guides that incorporate your affiliate links.

Social Media: 

Share affiliate links on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.


Create video content with embedded affiliate links in descriptions.

SEO and Marketing


Optimize your content for search engines to drive organic traffic.

Paid Advertising:

 Use Google Ads or social media ads to boost visibility.

Email Marketing: 

Build an email list and promote affiliate products through newsletters.

Step 5: Utilize Admitad Tools

Deeplink Generator

Create custom deep links that direct users to specific pages on an advertiser's website, improving the chances of conversion.

Banner Rotator

Use the banner rotator tool to display a variety of ads on your website, keeping content fresh and engaging for visitors.

Promo Codes and Coupons

Leverage exclusive promo codes and coupons provided by advertisers to attract more clicks and conversions.


Step 6: Track Performance and Optimize

Monitor Reports

Regularly check your performance reports on Admitad to see which campaigns are generating the most revenue.

A/B Testing

Experiment with different types of content and promotional strategies to see what works best. A/B testing can help you refine your approach for better results.

Adjust Strategies

Based on performance data, make necessary adjustments to your promotional strategies. Focus more on high-performing programs and tactics.

Step 7: Get Paid

Payment Methods

Admitad offers various payment methods, including PayPal, wire transfer, and e-wallets. Choose the one that best suits your needs.

Payment Thresholds

Ensure you meet the minimum payout threshold specified by Admitad. Payment cycles may vary, so check the schedule to know when to expect your earnings.

Withdraw Earnings

Request a payout through your chosen method once you have reached the threshold. Keep track of your payment status through the Admitad dashboard.



Earning money with Admitad requires a strategic approach, from selecting the right affiliate programs to effectively promoting them and continuously optimizing your efforts. By leveraging the tools and resources available on the Admitad platform, you can create a sustainable income stream through affiliate marketing. Stay consistent, keep learning, and adapt to changes in the market to maximize your success.


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