Online money earning

How to Earn Money on Tumblr

How to Earn Money on Tumblr


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Tumblr, a microblogging platform that blends social networking with blogging, has long been a creative haven for artists, writers, photographers, and enthusiasts of various niches. While it is often seen as a place for personal expression, Tumblr also offers several opportunities to monetize your content. If you’re looking to turn your passion on Tumblr into a source of income, here are some strategies to consider.


1. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the most straightforward ways to earn money on Tumblr. By promoting products or services and including affiliate links in your posts, you can earn a commission for every sale made through your link.


Steps to Get Started:

Join Affiliate Programs:

Sign up for affiliate programs related to your niche. Popular programs include Amazon Associates, ShareASale, and Commission Junction.

Create Engaging Content:

Write reviews, create tutorials, or share personal stories that incorporate the products you are promoting.

Include Affiliate Links:

Embed your affiliate links within your content. Be transparent with your audience about your use of affiliate links to maintain trust.

2. Selling Products and Merchandise

If you have a talent for creating tangible products, such as art, jewelry, or apparel, Tumblr can be a great platform to showcase and sell your items.

Steps to Get Started:

Set Up an Online Store: 

Use platforms like Etsy, Shopify, or Big Cartel to create an online store.

Promote Your Products:

Share high-quality images and descriptions of your products on Tumblr. Use tags effectively to reach a broader audience.

Engage with Your Audience: 

Interact with followers who show interest in your products. Offer exclusive deals or discounts to your Tumblr audience to encourage purchases.


3. Offering Services

If you have a skill that can be offered as a service—such as graphic design, writing, or social media management—you can use Tumblr to find clients.

Steps to Get Started:

Showcase Your Portfolio: 

Create a dedicated page or blog to display your past work and testimonials.

Network Within Your Niche: 

Follow relevant blogs and engage with their content. This can help you build a reputation and attract potential clients.

Advertise Your Services:

Create posts detailing your services, pricing, and how clients can contact you. Use appropriate tags to increase visibility.

4. Crowdfunding and Donations

If you have a loyal following, consider setting up a crowdfunding campaign or accepting donations. Platforms like Patreon and Ko-fi allow creators to receive financial support directly from their audience.

Steps to Get Started:

Create an Account:

Sign up on Patreon, Ko-fi, or a similar platform.

Offer Exclusive Content:

Encourage donations by offering exclusive content, early access, or personalized interactions to your supporters.

Promote Your Campaign:

Regularly remind your audience about your crowdfunding or donation options. Show appreciation for your supporters through shoutouts or special mentions.


5. Ad Revenue

Tumblr allows users to monetize their blogs through the Tumblr Creatrs Network and the Post+ feature, where creators can charge for exclusive content.

Steps to Get Started:

Join Tumblr Creatrs Network:

Apply to become a part of the Creatrs Network, which connects brands with Tumblr users for sponsored posts.

Utilize Post+: 

Enable Post+ on your blog, allowing followers to subscribe to premium content.

Tips for Success

1. Consistent Posting:

Regularly update your blog with high-quality content to keep your audience engaged.

2. Understand Your Audience:

Know what type of content resonates with your followers and tailor your posts accordingly.

3. Engage with Your Community:

Respond to comments, reblog posts from other users, and build a community around your blog.

4. Promote Your Blog: 

Share your Tumblr posts on other social media platforms to drive more traffic to your blog.

5. Stay Updated: 

Keep abreast of Tumblr’s policies and new monetization features to make the most of the platform.


By leveraging these strategies, you can turn your Tumblr blog into a lucrative venture. Whether through affiliate marketing, selling products, offering services, or utilizing crowdfunding, the potential to earn money on Tumblr is vast and varied. Start exploring these options today to see which works best for you.


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